Our constitution is currently being updated to align with the new requirements of the Incorporated Societies Act.
Please check back here soon.
Below is a link to the official bylaws of the New Zealand Superleague. These rules outline the structure, regulations, and guidelines that govern league play, ensuring fairness and consistency for all participants. Please review them carefully to stay informed.
You can find the bylaws here: https://1drv.ms/b/c/de91146769ab019a/EXppftvsBvlFgNjIZ4nA_SkBzyHECbu_HUMm5GUFZr2SQQ
Drug Policy
The New Zealand Superleague (NZSL) condemns the use of any illegal substances and doping practices. It is contrary to the ethics of the sport and potentially harmful to the health of athletes.
The NZSL Drugs Policy aims to deter doping practices by making those found to have engaged in a doping practice liable to effective sanctions. Persons and/or Bodies may be liable to be investigated and disciplined under the terms of this Policy. In doing so, the person (or Bodies) privacy will be given reasonable and appropriate consideration.
You can find the entire policy here: https://1drv.ms/w/c/de91146769ab019a/EVMYjGAgBlFHozGAfvlHe2IB1j3o3-90otI4q1yZzF9vOQ
Social Media Policy
Social media offers the opportunity for people to gather in online communities of shared interest and create, share or consume content. As a member-based organisation, the New Zealand Superleague (NZSL) recognises the benefits of social media as an important tool of engagement and enrichment for its members.
When someone clearly identifies their association with the NZSL, and/or discusses their involvement in the organisation in these types of forums, they are expected to behave and express themselves appropriately, and in ways that are consistent with the NZSL’s stated values and policies.
This policy aims to provide some guiding principles to follow when using social media. This policy does not apply to the personal use of social media platforms by NZSL members where the NZSL member makes no reference to the NZSL or related issues.
You can find the entire policy here: https://1drv.ms/w/c/de91146769ab019a/EYTuWICx9zlBlkdFvw4sen4BhyO7xM1YwT2Sklb00UCGfA